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Super Easy: Style Curls without Heat

woman with blonde hair

Most people know that you can style curls using a flat iron or a curling iron – but did you know you can also get your dream curls without using heat? It’s more gentle on your hair and the results are just as nice. We’ll go over how easy it is to get curls without heat and what you’ll need to do it.

Styling curls without heat? It’s easy with the right tips!

Want curls without needing to use heat? Not a problem and super easy to do – and it’s totally good for your hair. Really? Really! You’ll just need a few tools and if possible hair that’s at least to your shoulders in length. We’ll go over three ways to get your straight hair to transform into bouncy curls or soft waves.

1. Get curls without heat using an elastic headband

Woman with long black wavy hair
Loose waves without the effort

An easy way to get wavy hair. Style curls using an elastic headband. Here’s how it works:

  • Brush your hair and slightly dampen your hair by spraying water using a spray bottle. Place the headband so that it is above your ears, circling the crown of your head.
  • Take sections of hair, starting from the top and working your way to the back, and wrap them around the headband until all your hair is wrapped around it.
  • To help it hold in place, spray with some hairspray.
  • Let your hair dry and remove the headband. And voila! Styling curls without heat is that easy!

2. Use straws to style curls without heat

We get it – straws are meant for drinking. But they’re also perfect for styling curls!

  • Wash your hair and divide into sections. The thicker the sections are, the looser the curls will be. Smaller sections will lead to tighter ringlets.
  • Wrap each section around a straw and tie the straw into a knot. Repeat this step until all of your hair has been wrapped around the straws.
  • If possible, let your hair dry overnight. The next morning, remove all the straws, run your fingers through your hair a bit and finish off with some hairspray to hold the look.

3. Use hair elastics to get curls without heat

Red-haired woman with loose curls
Can you believe this look was achieved with hair ties?!

This last styling option is just as easy. All you need is a few hair elastics. It’s best to use some that don’t have metal pieces so that your hair won’t get caught on the elastic, leading to potential breakage. This styling technique results in natural waves.

  • Dampen with water and part it in the middle.
  • Part the two sections again in two equally large sections.
  • Take one of the sections, divide it into two further smaller sections and twist each smaller section in opposite directions.
  • Then, twist the two twisted smaller sections around each other and fasten using a hair elastic.
  • Do the same to the rest of your hair.
  • Let your hair dry. Then, carefully remove the hair elastics and undo the twists.
  • Loosen up the waves using your fingers. For more hold, work in a bit of hair wax. All done!
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