In the blogosphere, the high chignon is now combined with fringes. We introduce this trend and let you know how to create this hair style.
On her blog, Rike shows her very artful high chignon, which she wears combined with fringes
Fringed hair styles have been around for a long time, sometimes square, sometimes uneven, short or long, full or sparse. Fringes or bangs are here to stay, that much is clear. Bloggers have also fallen in love with fringed hair styles. The favorite hair style in the blogosphere is the high chignon paired with full fringes, which fall from the crown of the head into the face. On top of the head sits the sassy little chignon like a tiny hat.
With the exception of one small section, gather all long hair in a high ponytail on top of the head. Twirl the ponytail around and form it into a tiny crown. Secure this crown with hair pins. Use the section of hair that was left out to cover the scrunchy and secure the strand with hair pins. Bloggers Rike and Coco love to wear this hairdo.
Rike named her blog 'Clean Chic'. It's a kaleidoscope of outfit posts, photography, art, crafts, travel impressions, pictures of parties, literature and music. With all that content, the site never loses its aesthetic appeal and neither do the featured hair styles. Her high chignon combined with fringes almost looks like a work of art.
Blogger Coco combines her fringes with a high chignon
On her site 'Hübsch Dich auf' (pretty yourself up), Coco offers her readers fashion inspiration. Her style combines up-to-date clean chic with vintage elements from various centuries. She also adds some French life style elements. In fact, blogger Coco’s likes when her fringes complement a high chignon.
In case you play with the idea of following the new blog trend and wear fringes (bangs), consult with your hair stylist before you reach for a pair of scissors. Your hair stylist can help you find the right style for you. Fringes should harmoniously enhance your facial features. A second opinion may help prevent unfortunate choices.
Rike's Blog >> Clean Chic
Coco's Blog >> Hübsch Dich auf